Tuesday, August 28, 2012


It’s been a busy summer and I’ve taken several months off from blogging to do some traveling with my family.  I hope that many of you have also been finding time to have some adventures, enjoy a change of pace or venue, and create some good memories.  Summer is a great time for that.  

In July, we were blessed with the opportunity to take a trip to Brazil to visit the family with whom I lived as an exchange student many years ago, and also to visit the area of Brazil where we served as volunteer workers between 2007 and 2010.  This visit to Brazil was emotionally dense -- full of encounters with special people who have touched and changed our lives.

Travel is a rich and rewarding experience.  But it can be stressful too.  As we were leaving Raleigh, my family passed through the first of many airport security screens, and afterwards, hurried to gather our belongings.  I had to laugh when I saw the amusing sign which was hanging above the seating area where travelers sit to put their shoes back on:  “Recombobulation Area”, it said.  Indeed.  That same sign could have been posted above all the bags and laundry that cluttered our home after we returned!

As the end of summer approaches, I find myself preparing for more changes that a new season will bring.  School started back this week and our family’s schedule has altered.  The weather will grow cooler, the days shorter, and we will adjust our activities and clothing accordingly.  Before long, it will be time to begin to think about preparing for fall and winter holidays.  And so it goes.

Life is full of transitions – some expected and others quite surprising or even shocking.  We often need to “recombobulate.”   Sometimes we manage changes by just hanging on for dear life.  Other times, we use transitions as opportunities to reflect, learn, and grow. 

As an integrative health coach, I often work with people in the midst of transition.  Some are hoping to enhance their ability to manage or prevent a chronic disease.  Some have had a “wake-up” call because of a serious health scare.  Others are led by an urge to pursue a new level of health and vitality.  For those who are seeking to clarify their direction or create a powerful new beginning, coaching provides a proven tool to facilitate that process.

Have you ever needed to “recombobulate”?  What approaches did you use to find your way?  When transitions come your way, I hope that they will provide opportunities for you to enhance your well-being.

As a wise person said: “Life is change.  Growth is optional.  Choose wisely.”  

May you be well!